Monday, July 11, 2022


So I rolled in from the movie theater (it's good to be retired) to find,'ll see. And there goes the whole mishugga with Trump teasing, then writing, a letter about executive privilege which he doesn't understand and no longer exerts, and reporters all stupidly thinking this would be a thing. Bannon can't raise executive privilege in the trial to throw sand in the jury's eyes. Which means he can't raise the letter of July 9 and his offer to testify to the Committee (an offer the Committee has yet to accept, and is under no deadline to accept by next Monday). BOOM!, as they say, goes the dynamite. This is not, by the way, the judge cutting off Bannon at the knees because, well...Bannon. This is the judge refusing to allow a criminal contempt trial being turned into a circus as Bannon tries to hide behind a flurry of irrelevancies. Courts are generally really quite good at eliminating those. See? The "illegal committee" argument is mostly for idiots and reporters(!) anyway. The Court is absolutely right: Congress gets to determine when its committees are legitimate, not the courts. Separation of powers, bitches! "RINOS" is not a legal defense. We pause here because Lindsay Graham is so PISSED he made a phone call rather than a speech on the Senate floor. BTW, the judge won't delay Bannon's trial, either. editorial note: that should have been "rout FOR DOJ." It's what he meant, not what he said, though. And that's hardly all the day did while I was being entertained: The fundamental problem with ANY concept is that people will get hold of it; and some of those people will be idiots. Go and please the world. Is it any wonder that even in Georgia this guy is sinking like a stone?And from the Confusion-To-Our-Enemies Dept.: And forget favorability ratings! It's summer! People are hot, tired, testy, and need to see a movie with comic screaming goats in an air conditioned theater! WHO'S WITH ME!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!! 🐐

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