Friday, July 01, 2022

Someone Else Who Wasn’t Here In The’70’s…

...for Robert Tilton and Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart and Jim & Tammy Faye, all laying the railroad tracks for Pat Robertson to run for President and Jerry Falwell to lead the Moral Majority and open the way for Ralph Reed and Ronald Reagan, straight on to Donald Trump.

Which was preceded in turn by Father Coughlin and Aimee Semple McPherson and all the preachers who obtained the power and the glory in the first half of the 20th century, and sank back down into darkness, forgotten; because all fame is fleeting, and of the world, anyway. As is all politics and accomplishments of politicians, because the Greeks were right so long, long ago: chaos is eternal and unstoppable, always gnawing at the roots and the foundations and honest women and men cannot work long enough or hard enough or fully enough to stay ahead of it. But it isn’t the faceless action of chaos, it is the selfish actions of humans that bring down and destroy even the greatest triumphs. And who can fully answer why, except that is how they are and that is what they do, and it is from everlasting to everlasting, and it’s not going to change soon.

Bubble up? That assumes it ever goes away.

1 comment:

  1. What's keeping all those people from doing unto others as they would have them do unto them right now, in their own lives? Oh, that's right, we know that.
