Thursday, August 01, 2024

So Much Coding, So Little Time

The real message here is the one Trump sent; those black ladies failed to show the proper respect to a white  man.
"Well, first of all, what has been perplexing to me is that we've been asking the wrong question," Sharpton began. "A lot of people when it came out that the National Association of Black Journalists had invited him was saying, 'Why would you invite him?' The real question is, why did he accept? He accepted to go to do exactly what he did, he wanted to go and say,' 'I will stand up to these Blacks. I will put them in line.'" 
"That has been the basis of his campaign. To go from 'Obama is not American' to 'Harris is not black,'" he added. "It's the same song, just a different lyric and that is what he feels put him in the White House in '16, and it'll put him in the White House now." 
"Now he's going to deliver she said she [Kamal Harris] was Indian when she was celebrated as the first Black district attorney in San Francisco, first Black attorney general in California, first Black woman U.S. senator from California, first Black woman vice president," he later added before asking, "All of a sudden now, we didn't know she was Black?" 
"I mean, how long are we going to keep playing this old song of Donald Trump?" he stated. "Donald, it's time to get off the stage and let some folks come on."
Interesting, too, suddenly the “long memories” of 2016. 

Biden really did us all a service, didn’t he? I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t think it would work out this way. 
Just driving another nail in that coffin. And a little perspective on that:

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