Thursday, August 01, 2024

Well, It’s Off Twitter And Into The Mainstream Now

Of course, that’s not always good. Pretty sure this is an example of the institutional and cultural racism identified by CRT. I’d say that was ironic, if it wasn’t so American. "Technically not African American.” (I really need to know where that tech manual is.) (cockroaches scurry from the light)
Why it matters: The tense interview is being met with GOP reactions ranging from qualified concern to outright shock, with some Republicans questioning Trump's ability to adapt to the new Democratic ticket. 
"It was awful," one House Republican said of the interview, telling Axios it raised concerns about whether Trump can contain his impulses while running against the first woman, Black and Asian American vice president. 
Sen Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said of the Trump campaign: "Maybe they don't know how to handle the campaign, and so you default to issues that just should simply not be an issue." 
"That was not a demonstration on how to win over undecided voters," another House Republican said. 
Yes, but: Many Republicans did not want to put their names to criticisms of Trump – who is well known to try to exact retribution against GOP critics – with others dodging questions about his comments entirely. 
"No comment," Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.), a swing-district House member, told Axios when asked about Trump's remarks. 
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) told reporters: "I haven't seen them and I haven't seen the context in which they were made, so I don't have anything for you."
Which answers this question: Never get in the way of your opponent hitting himself in the face. What remains to be seen is how this is reported. NYT fixed their headline: But did they also need to fix their report? Because AP got it right. 

I wonder how many reports will “both-sides” racism?

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