Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Waterless And Powerless In Texas

The “special kind of stupid” was the GOP and Gov. Shrub deciding to deregulate electricity in Texas in the 90’s. 

So now we don’t have generating capacity when we need it.

Thanks, GOP!


  1. Glad to see you're back on the air again. I assume that means you're not lying under every blanket in the house for the next few days.

    I've been wondering about these "frozen windmills" in Texas. Years ago, when we drove our daughter to Iowa for college (where, incidentally, it was twenty below Sunday night), we would pass hundreds of windmills along I-80. Since we haven't been hearing of frozen windmill in the mid-west, I'm guessing that it's possible to operate them in icy conditions, and that perhaps those who built them in Texas didn't see the need for de-icers.

    And yeah, Tucker, I guess if it's real cold there must not be any global warming.

  2. With tomorrow being Ash Wednesday I thought you might appreciate this.

    "Not yet as light as hope"

    We remember the long nights of Ashdod:
    They were long because you stood
    in the Philistine place passively;
    They were dark because the gods of the Philistines
    seemed to prevail.
    And now we face the long, dark days of Lent:
    to ponder our strange passivity,
    to hold deep the suffering of Jesus,
    to grasp afresh our fragile mortality, that we too will die;
    to move beyond ourselves to notice the raw loss
    connected to your absence.
    We name the brutality among us;
    We make the greed so close to us;
    We see the poor, the homeless, the exploited,
    while we enjoy the easiness of the leisure class.
    And then -- dark and long -- our eyes shift back to Ashdod;
    We wait, a heavy wait edging toward hope,
    not yet as light as hope,
    and heavy as absence.
    We pray in the name of the crucified. Amen.

    Shrove Tuesday.
    February 27, 2001
    Walter Brueggemann

    I'm sorry for the Mess in Texas. :)
