Thursday, September 24, 2020

Agent of Chaos

 The funny thing is, Trump is trampling all over his own feet.  Remember this, from just last night?

This morning even NPR spent 10 minutes (an eternity on radio!) talking about what Trump said about not respecting the tradition of a peaceful transfer of power (I'm old enough to remember when NPR would spend 30 minutes or an hour on a story.  Now they can't because they have to run entertainment stories or people telling family members charming tales about themselves for the national archives or something.  Don't get me started, I'm a curmodgeon now.).  Why aren't we talking about what the Trump campaign wants in the headlines?  Because Trump stepped all over it so soundly even the GOP has to make noises of support for the Constitution:

Yeah, I'm not real impressed, either.  But nobody's talking about Trump's legal challenges, they're talking about Trump's craziness and (implicitly, at least) how unfit for office he is.

I'll take it.

There is a "tactic" here; but it's not working.
We would do well to keep that in mind. And also remember that while chaos works well in movies where a writer can script the story around a Joker or a Loki, chaos tends to engulf the agent of chaos as well. Trump's money and relative lack of importance in the world has shielded him from that, by and large (what his ego and narcissism didn't shield him from), but those days are over. I want to reiterate this, too, because The Atlantic article hinges on a scenario in which Pennsylvania throws out the vote results and appoints GOP electors because a GOP legislature and the Constitution. But then there's the little matter of PA law: Basically, these are not the droids you are looking for. And rather than run in circles scream and shout, learn a little history maybe? The Voting Rights Act was passed in 1965. I was 10 years old. We've only been at this 55 years, not since the end of the Civil War or something (despite the fact that's when the 15th Amendment was passed). And the Roberts court gutted the VRA, a statute passed to enact the provisions of the 15th amendment. That's grounds enough, IMHO, to increase the size of the court. I know, I know, that's another argument for another day. But I'm far less enamored of institutionalism than I am of justice, and we don't get justice by ignoring reality. That, in fact, is how we protect and enshrine injustice.

Nobody owes us justice, either.  It's popular now to say we have to fight (militarily is always implied) for "freedom."  It's an idea antithetical to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (we keep our freedom by controlling our government, not by fighting wars), but what good is freedom without justice?  Freedom we can guarantee; justice is a constant struggle.

Keep struggling.

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