Friday, September 04, 2020


Or maybe it's because the President is stuck in a loop:

If this were a science-fiction movie, that would make more sense than the President just saying the same thing over and over again, hoping for a different reaction.  Because this sounds real familiar:
What's another 100,000 deaths when baby needs new shoes, huh?  Throw them dice!

Considering how well they did rolling out ventilators and covid-19 tests across the country, I'm not holding my breath on this one.  Even if it's efficacious, the inability to distribute it on a mass scale will burn Trump to the ground.

I'm waiting for the fun part of the press conference:  the first question about the Atlantic story will send him running from the room.

Sadly, that didn't happen (he did blame John Kelly, though, because sure, why not?), but this did:

Wait for it.....

A lie is always better than the truth, no?

And did I mention four states now won't distribute a vaccine for covid until they are sure it has been properly tested and verified?

The [Michigan] state’s health department told TPM on Friday that it would not agree to distribute a vaccine that received federal approval without completing safety and efficacy trials or without approval from an independent board of scientists.
A spokesman for California’s department of public health told TPM that the state would not distribute a vaccine that had not completed phase III trials or which had not passed muster under an independent review board. Washington and New York officials have also said that they would hold back on distributing such a vaccine.
I still think the people who brought you the covid-19 testing debacle and the ventilator shambles don't have a snowball's chance in hell of distributing even a legitimate vaccine on November 1, or any time before January 21, 2021.

1 comment:

  1. I can’t speak for Pennsylvania and North Carolina but Michigan is “open” and has been nearly 100% open for months: bars, restaurants, stores, clinics, salons, businesses and gyms opened recently. More fascist agitprop.
